Alertnative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

The current ADR policy, promulgated by a SECARMY memorandum on 22 June 2007, gives the Office of the Army General Counsel the overall responsibility for ADR policy, guidance, and training. The program’s two major focus areas are in workplace disputes dealing with civilian employees and labor-management relations, and acquisition disputes, such as contract claims and appeals. The Army ADR Program is administered by the ADR Practice Group in OGC. Although workplace and acquisition disputes are the program’s primary focus, Army ADR policy applies to other disputes as well, including environmental conflicts and claims. The ADR Practice Group provides advice and guidance regarding the uses of ADR, collects and reports ADR data for the Army, helps disputing parties obtained appropriate third-party neutral support, and conducts training in mediation and negotiation skills and other conflict management and prevention processes upon request.

As an arm of the Army General Counsel, the ADR Practice Group is prohibited from providing legal or other substantive advice to individuals, or representing or advocating on their behalf.

What's New
  • Preliminary 2023 mediation Training schedule posted Check ADR training page.
  • Now Available Mediation Services for Workplace Disputes - Click here for more information.